Research interests
Belowground microbial ecology
How do belowground microbial communities assemble, change through time, and interact with aboveground vegetation? As key mediators of nutrient cycling and ecosystem dynamics the influence of belowground microbial communities is key to forest health and function. I am using a combination of approaches to identify how disturbances, tree neighborhoods, and time alter these microbial communities.
Forest dynamics of 'pests' and pathogens
I have conducted past research on how spatial neighborhoods and climatic sensitivity influenced tree susceptibility to novel bark beetle and shrubland encroachment. I am deeply interested in identifying how 'pests' and pathogen susceptibility are influenced by forest neighborhoods, belowground microbial communities, and tree sensitivity to climate. Future work in this area will likely focus on high-elevation forests in the western US and exploring changes in successional dynamics along elevational ecotones.
Post-wildfire ecology of mixed-conifer forests
What pre-, active-, and post-fire forest characteristics drive wildfire behavior and post-fire forest recovery? To answer this and related questions, I am utilizing the globally unique, Fire Behavior Assessment Team (FBAT) dataset to assess forest resilience and recovery in California mixed-conifer forests.
Post-wildfire belowground ecology
How do microbial communities respond to direct and indirect effects from wildfire? Do altered microbial communities change post-fire forest resilience? These are some of the questions I am pursuing with collaborators at Michigan State University, the Fire Behavior Assessment Team, and Utah State University. Together, we hope to untangle the influence of wildfire behavior on the belowground microbes within western mixed conifer forests.
Old-growth forests of Utah
As my first foray into ecological research, the high-elevation, old-growth forests of Utah represent a special research interest of mine. Most any research questions relating to these magnificent landscapes are of interest. Previous and ongoing questions involve the role of wind, drought, competition, and facilitation in influencing deterministic and neutral processes within these globally unique forests.
Broadscale drivers and patterns of wildfire
I use remotely sensed burn severity (delta and relative normalized burn ratio [dNBR, RdNBR]) in combination with long timeseries of climate, vegetation types, ignition locations, and topography to understand the impacts and drivers of wildfire frequency, severity, and area burned in the western USA.